No one ever told me that time with my second baby would pass by so quickly! Seems like its passing by much faster than it ever did with JR. Roman continues to be sweet as ever and growing like a weed. He is starting to giggle and even showing signs of grabbing at things. He still eats well, but has been a little fussy with the bottle lately. Hopefully that will pass soon as he gets used to me working, it's only the first week and tomorrow will be day four of me back at work. I'm sure he will get used to the routine. He continues to sleep really well, thru the night sometimes going as long as 5 hours before feeding. Usually asleep sometime between 8pm - 9pm. He takes short naps throughout the day, but takes about an hour morning nap while I get ready for work, which works out perfect :) Mucho pictures below along with two short videos of him giggling :)
Chillin with monkey friend.
Trying to grab monkey.
Starting to get the hang of the bumbo seat, still alittle too small for it yet.
Spending time with primo Priscilla and Tio Antonio.
Tia Telvi and Roman
Jessica and Roman
Tia Petra and Roman
Jaycee, Tia Petra, Roman and Tio Tomas. [Roman was so interested in the doggy as the doggy was in him :)]
Sleepy time in the swing, which is were he spends most of his naps.
Brother and sissy :)
Happy baby boy!
First day he started to giggle, don't think he really knows what to do :)
Today's giggles :)
6 days ago
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