Friday, October 23, 2009

Zoo time...

Today Jaycee had a morning doctor's appointment. The appointment was just a check up to see how her iron level was. She was a little borderline last month and the doc wanted to recheck her. Happy to report her levels went up and she is doing great! I had them weigh her today also and she has almost gained a pound since last months visit. 17 pounds 16.10 ounces.

I decided to take the day off work and spend it with my family. The 3 of us went to the zoo. It was Jaycee's 1st time at the zoo and it had been years since either of us had been. It had really been many many years for Tavo. It was great fun and we are now members of the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park, so we will be going through out the year.

FYI...Jaycee is getting really good at walking.

Monday, October 19, 2009

She can walk...........

Jaycee has really started walking a lot more and it's really cute. I thought I would share a couple clips we got of her tonight. Turn up your volume and listen to her giggle with the hiccups.

BTW........she was a big girl tonight and we finally got her to pick up small pieces of chicken and eat it all by herself. This is huge, maybe she will start to pick up other foods besides cheerios and eat like a big girl.

Way to go Jaycee, walking and eating like a big girl!!!! We love you!