Last weekend we visited Belita, Belito (he wasn't feeling good and we didn't get any pictures with him, we are praying for him to start feeling better soon. And we hope the doctors can figure out why he keeps getting sick), Tia Diana, Tio Sal and prima Ariana. Even though they live so close, sometimes we go weeks without seeing them :-( Everyone gets caught up in their everyday life and time gets away from you. It was nice to get together again. We will try not to go weeks without seeing everyone next time. Te Amo mucho! We missed you Tio Kike (thanks for keeping your sickness away from us though).

Belita, Jaycee and Prima Ariana.

Las primas (the cousins).

me and Ariana.

Tia, Tio and Jaycee.

Tia and Jaycee.

Tio and Jaycee.

Ariana, such a big girl now walking all around. What a cutie!

Ariana helping Belita push Jaycee in her car buggy.

Jaycee and Daddy. Jaycee was having a good time in Ariana's car buggy. She needs one of her own.