Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Kicking the leaves

I have to apologize right now, I have no idea how to turn the video around. Sorry you have to look at it sideways. Hope you enjoy the video has we have, she was doing this all afternoon at the park. Going around kicking the leaves and then would just take off running. That day after the park we went home had a good lunch and she slept well for her nap that afternoon ;-) Mommy was able to make all her phones calls and get somethings done around the casa :-)

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy 2011 New Year!

I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing and safe New Year's! We did ~ safe in our casa with good friends! JR was sound sleeping most of the night while everyone was here, but decided right before midnight she was going to wake up and not go back to sleep. She wanted to bring in the New Year also with everyone :-) Silly little girl. Here are some pictures to enjoy! Happy 2011 everyone. We hope you are blessed with a wonderful New Year!
Jake and Tavo; almost midnight...champange in hand and ready!
Happy Victoria, right before the count down!

Estella, Victoria and JR....cheese!!!!

Maria and I :-) It's always nice to bring in the new year with a great friend :-)

Our tired princess right before the count down.

Jess, Victoria, Me and Maria.
Omar, Chris, Jake and Tavo.

Chris, Tavo, Jess, Omar, Leo, Emma and Victor.