Saturday, March 13, 2010

We made it...

Finally the work week is over and we made it through. I think I'm having a harder time than anyone adjusting to both of us working and all the running around we have to do. I'm so tired by the end of the day, I can't stand it. I know it will get better and it will just become a normal routine, but I'm not liking it so far. It was so much easier with Tavo home. I got up showered, gave out kisses and I was off to work. Tavo would even get my lunch together for me and make me a morning smoothie. Now I have to get up at 5:15am (Tavo needs to be out the door by 5:30am), make lunches for both Tavo and I, make our morning smoothie, get dinner prepared for the evening (makes it easier when I get home from work), shower, get both Jaycee and I dressed and out to the door. Sorry to be whining...I'm sure I'll adjust :-) Jaycee is adjusting very well and loves being at my sisters!

Last night we decided at the last minute to go have a nice family dinner out. We had a really nice time and Jaycee was such a good girl! We wanted to celebrate the new job!

Tonight we are going to a QuinceaƱera, which should be a lot of fun! They usually are :-) First time taking Jaycee to one though, so we will see how she does. I think the last one we went to, I was pregnant with Jaycee. Tavo went to the church part of things earlier and Jaycee and I stayed home. It was at noon (Jaycee's nap time) and since tonight will be a lot for her we thought it would be best not to skip nap. Especially since bed time will be late. I hope she does well.

Tomorrow starts the new season of softball. I'm not playing again this season, it's just hard for both of us to play :-( Maybe next season, I'll be able to.

I'll leave you all with some cute pics we have taken of Jaycee lately...
Playing with her kitchen...cookin like momma and dadda do!

Happy little girl!

Big smiles, can you see all her teeth? She has another one coming in right now.

Playing outside.


Sunday, March 07, 2010

Casa de Reifer

Yesterday we went to visit Maria, Jake, Estella, Victoria and Wally. We had a great time catching up, it's been awhile since we have been able to get together. Estella is growing like a weed and beautiful as ever and the newest member to the Reifer home is just as beautiful as her sister. Victoria is so beautiful I cried when I first held her, she smiled at me and tears of joy just came down my face. I stopped by their home again today to drop something off, thinking I would get a peak at the little angel again today, but she was sound a sleep :-( We will get together soon! Thanks Maria for the lovely dinner!
Sweet baby Victoria!

Jaycee and Estella playing her Estellas' play kitchen. Estella just loves Jaycee :-)

The beautiful princess!

Happy mommy with her two babies :-)

Sweet Victoria!