Last night we asked our friend Chris to come over and watch Jaycee while she was sleeping so we could go on a Gondola ride. I got a great deal on the tickets through
Groupon. We had a really nice time, it turned out to be a beautiful evening out on the water. The guy we had on the Gondola was great, he was a sweet young kid. He made the experience really nice :-) Would recommend friends/family to go on a Gondola ride, you'll enjoy it for sure. We did have to rush home after because for some reason Jaycee woke up and Chris was upstairs trying to rock her to sleep. Chris did bring his girlfriend Jessica with him, so between the two of them they were trying. Silly Jaycee, not sure what her deal was last night. She doesn't usually wake up anymore. Check out some pics from the evening :-)
Tonight is Forever Fondue night :-) Will post on that later. I guess you can say we are having an Anniversary weekend :-)