What a GREAT day today was. Got to sleep in a little, the whole family did :) Went to the park at the Bay with JR and Tavo. We played and had a picnic lunch. Came home and relaxed. Monica came over to watch JR so Tavo and I could enjoy a nice dinner out. I had a nice surprise from the hubby, he had planned for me to have a massage from Monica before we went to the restaurant. The massage felt WONDERFUL! Thanks so much Monica, you truly are amazing and a wonderful friend. We love you! We ate at the melting pot in UTC/La Jolla, we had a gift certificate from mom and dad at Christmas time. Thanks mom and dad for paying for my birthday dinner :)
Check out some pictures from tonight's dinner :)

Before heading out.

At the restaurant :)

Yummy cheese.

Our Entree course
The vegetables.
Yin & Ying chocolate

The yummy things we dipped in the Chocolate.