Today our little man turned 2 months! He is growing so fast! He is starting to stay awake much more these days and still sleeping well at night which is good :) He has been smiling more and more and making more and more cooing sounds :) This week he has upgraded to size 1 diapers and is growing out of most of his NB clothes. Slow down little guy. Friday he has his 2 month check up appointment, wondering what he is weighing, If I had to guess I would say between 10 - 11 pounds. I've got lots of pictures to post today :)
Sister is always giving him things to hold, she was playing in her kitchen and thought he needed a cup of tea also :)
Thinking :)
Bottle time with Daddy.......check him out already holding the bottle himself ;)
Chillin with Megan........a long time friend of mine :)
Smiles :)
Belita and Roman
Daddy, Belita, Roman and Tio Kike
Tia Christy and Roman
Leo, Roman and Emma.
Leo and Roman
Sister just loves her brother :) Check out JRs outfit, she picked it out all by herself :)
5 days ago