Our little guy is changing so much these days! Smiling more and even makes noises every now and then. Mostly with Daddy. He is still taking the bottle well, which is great for when Chayo starts back at work on Mon, Wed and Fri. He is starting to be awake more during the day! He has started to grow out of a few of his newborn clothes! He is still a little guy but growing well :)
This week we introduced the pacifier to Roman and he likes it! Oh boy! Hope we can get rid of it soon. Don't want it to be like JR, it's been really hard to get her to stop sucking on her two middle fingers.
Roman and I finally made a visit to my office last week and everyone enjoyed our little guy! Gotta make another visit soon, a lot of folks were not in the office on the day I went.
Visiting with Nancy, this time no crying Roman :)
Visiting with Maia :)
Visiting with Kay again :)
January 21st
January 21st
January 23rd
January 24th, playing with his activity mat :)
Jaycee and Roman playing on the floor :) January 25th
Smiles :)
Big sister holding Roman :)
Our happy little boy, today!
5 days ago