She points to everything and loves to play peak-a-boo! When I come home from work she hears the garage and comes running. As soon as she sees me she covers her eyes and says "Boo", then comes running with a big hug. It's the cutest thing! Love her so much! I never want to come home to an empty home, it's the best greeting ever! She is also such a lover, she is always giving out hugs and kisses.
She has really been talking a lot more lately also. Saying all kinds of new words, some in Spanish and some in English. I'll try and list everything below, I hope I'm not leaving anything out:
Spanish words:
elbow - codo
nose - nariz
cheeks - cachete
eyes - ojos
bird - pájaro
frog - rana
bottle/cup - teta
water - agua
octopus - pulpo
Enlish words:
No no no
nite nite
bye bye
poo poo
buddy (daddy is always calling her little toys her buddy)
moo moo (for Shamu our cat)
gwenie (for Gwendolyn our cat)