Above is a picture of Shamu. Jaycee thought he could use a baby and remote while sleeping on the couch. Silly girl. Shamu is such a good sport about it though.
Well, Shamu is home now and doing better. We still have the whole diabetes issue to deal with and keep under control. I feel so bad, Shamu probably wouldn't have gotten to the state he was last night if I did a better job taking care of him. Keeping up with checking his blood glucose that is. It's something you have to monitor all the time and I hadn't been once I thought we got his insulin dosage under control. We have a meter at home, it's just hard to get a good vein for blood and I need help doing it. Shamu's not too crazy about me poking at his ear with a needle. Especially since I'm already poking him twice a day with a needle to give him insulin. Tavo doesn't enjoy helping one bit which can make it hard also. If I'm not going to take the time to monitor his glucose then it's time for me to make a very hard decision. It's a decision I don't know I'm ready to make. Don't get me wrong I love my cats very much and want to do what is best for them both. I've always treated both my cats like my family and still feel like I do. It's just all getting very costly and draining. I feel like I would be giving up on him, if I didn't follow through with doing whatever I can to give him the best in his last years in life. I don't want Shamu to suffer or go through what happened last night again. Which means I need to be better about checking his glucose. I'm praying I can find the strength to keep going with it and give Shamu the best last years in life.