Our little princess can be sound asleep in your arms and when you put her down this is what she does. We will let her cry thinking she will cry herself back to sleep, but no she only cries louder and even has real tears. We have tried everything. We have a swing and she will stay asleep for about 5 minutes then wakes up. While I'm talking a shower she chills in the swing, she loves the sound of the shower. Must have something to do with me being in the shower the whole time during labor. Even when she is fussy, I'll give her a bath and she stops crying right away. We have tired putting her on the floor with a blanket, tired putting her on a pillow on the couch, she will stay in her crib with the mobile going for about 10 minutes (she likes the music), and we have also tired one of those bouncy seats.
Anyone else have ideas we can try? I love my little girl and love holding her but want to be able to put her down with out hearing her cry. The only way I get anything done around the house is by putting her in the sling I have for her, which is fine, but can't use that when I am getting dressed or going to the bathroom.