Saturday, April 10, 2010


Jaycee has been showing interest in holding the spoon when feeding her. So last night we undressed her and gave her the bowl and spoon. The bowl had applesauce in it. She had big smiles and tired so hard, but every time she got it to her mouth it would fall in her lap. It was a sticky mess........which was followed by a bath, but I think she had fun :-) It was so cute and can't wait till she has mastered using a spoon all by herself. Not that I want her to grow up, but it would make things easier :-)

Friday, April 09, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Aidan

Today my niece Aidan turned 6! Aidan we are so proud of you! You are such a wonderful big sissy, smart and beautiful little girl! Uncle Tavo, Jaycee and I were so happy that we got to celebrate your special day with you. We love you so much! Happy Birthday Princess!!!

The princess!

Another amazing birthday cake my sister made.

Big smiles while riding her new birthday bike.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

Today was a good day! We spent the afternoon with Tavo's family! Good food and good times! Jaycee had a blast playing with Belita, Belito, Tio Kike, Christy, prima Ariana and Tia Diana. She was fast asleep on the drive home before we even got to the freeway. Happy Easter everyone!

Oh and today we felt an earthquake for the 1st time. I'm usually asleep and don't feel them, but this one was crazy. At first rated a 6.9 in Baja, upgraded to 7.2 tonight. We were all freaked out!