Today our little niece Ariana turns the big 1. Can't believe she is already 1. I know I'll be saying that about Jaycee here pretty soon also. Boy how they grow so fast. Happy Birthday Ariana. Mucho Besos from Tio, Tia and prima Jaycee. We can't wait to celebrate your big day this weekend along with your baptism. Te amo mucho princesa!

July 8th, Ariana not even an hour old yet.

10 days old Tio Tavo giving her a bottle.

August 1st, sleepy Ariana.

August 1st with Belita.

August 15th letting out a big yawn.

Sleepy girl September 26th, belita's birthday!

January 11th with Tio Tavo.

February 22nd.

April 5th with Tia Heather.

April 12th, 1st Easter with Daddy.

May 10th (Mother's Day) with prima Jaycee and Belita.

Playing with prima Jaycee.

Tio Kike's birthday brunch July 5th with Mommy.