Saturday, May 22, 2010

Date Night!!!!

My sis and I agreed we needed to make time for date nights for the four of us. We watch her kiddos and she watches our princess. Actually when she first moved back to SD last August we said we were going to have date nights and never stuck to it. But now we have it on the calendar for once a month and plan for it :-) Last month we went to dinner and hurried to get our princess because we had been away from her all day long. It was the first time we had spent that much time away from her. My sis watches Jaycee during the day on Friday's so it's easiest to have date night then so we can just come home from work and go. Last night we took our time with date night and had a nice time. First we had dinner and then went to an hour $20 massage. Yes, I said $20, it's a Chinese massage and it's different from our usual Monica massages, but it's still nice for $20. Monica is actually the person that told us about the place. Thanks Monica! Then after our massage we went bowling. We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed ourselves. Thanks sis!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A fun family weekend!!!

This weekend was full of family fun! Yesterday's post was about the parade, which was fun! We actually ended up going to the fireworks last night and are really glad we did. Jaycee's first firework show, besides when she was in my belly. She did so well and loved the fireworks! I thought the loud noise would upset her, but not at all. Her eyes were wide open and staring at all the pretty lights. Pointing at the ones she really liked. We took her dressed in her PJs ready for bed, so when we got home she was ready. She fall fast asleep and slept all night through :-)

Today we had softball in the morning and Daddy's team won...YAY! Late in the afternoon we went to a charity go kart racing event and we had a blast! We were there for several hours and Jaycee did very well. She's fast asleep right now and hopefully will sleep well again tonight.

Below are some recent pictures....enjoy!