Jaycee and I have returned from Zona. We had a really nice visit, but it was TOO SHORT. Wish we could have stayed through the weekend and part of this coming week. Since Daddy didn't go we didn't want to be gone that long. Daddy missed his little princess BUNCHES and thought she grew in the time we were gone. She started sucking her thumb while we were gone and daddy felt he missed out.
It was really nice to hang out with my nephews and nieces. I miss them already, they grow so much each time I see them. Of course it's always nice to hang out with my sister and brother-in-law Shane also. I wish we lived closer. Zerah the little one, who is 5 months old, is really going to be different next time I see her. When we returned home Jaycee was trying to be like her cousin and roll over, yesterday she rolled her whole body over. It was too cute; of course after she rolled over she was stuck and needed help.
Jaycee got to hang out with her cousins all week, along with her auntie and Uncle Shane. She also got to hang out with grandma and grandpa, great grandma and grandpa, second cousin Caylee and great aunt Linda.
Auntie Shelly, Zerah and Jaycee. They are both wearing their cute little octopus outfits.

Cousin Davis and Jaycee. Davis likes to give lots of kisses to the babies. Jaycee just loved Davis, he is always moving around and she loved to watch him.

Big cousin Conor and Jaycee. Jaycee missed cousin Conor when he was at school during the day.

Cousin Aidan and Jaycee. The big princess and little princess.

Great Aunt Linda with Jaycee.

Second cousin Caylee with Jaycee.

Auntie Shelly with Jaycee.

Great Grandma with Jaycee.

Great Grandpa with Jaycee.

Uncle Shane playing with Jaycee and making her smile.

Grandma with all her grandchildren. Look Jaycee's hair makes Grandma look like she has a beard.

Grandpa and Grandma with Jaycee.