I only have one more week before I have to go back to work :-( I start back March 10th. Not looking forward to leaving Jaycee. Even thought I know she will be in good hands. I have really enjoyed the time with her, ever minute of it. I am so thankful my work is letting me start back part-time. Working part-time makes things a little easier. She is doing so many things right now and changing everyday, feel like I am going to miss out on things. Never thought being a working mom would be so hard.
Sani you'll have to take pictures through out the day on your cell phone and send to me and Daddy.
6 days ago
I'll take lots and lots of pics on the cell and regular camera. No woorries about that!!!
It will be difficult leaving her, no doubt!!
Know that you have been missed here though...
See you soon,
Welcome to my world. It's not so bad. For myself - I treasured the moments I got with Landon so much more once I started back to work. It was nice to get adult interaction. You will be fine and I would say that Jaycee is in good hands :)
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