Today we went to Tavo's union picnic at Santee Lakes. A good day of all day family fun! We were a little worried about going all day and Jaycee not getting a nap, but she did very well. At one point in the day she fall asleep in my arms and then I laid her down in the stroller and she took a nice 45 min nap. Got her energized for more fun :-) They had one of the jumpers with a slide and all kinds of bouncy fun and Jaycee just loved it. She would hold onto my hands and jump herself, it was too cute. Her prima Ariana was there also and they had fun times playing together :-) This year we didn't really win anything at the raffle, usually at least all kids get something, but Jaycee missed out this year. Always next year. We did win a bocce ball set, a fun game to play, but I'm sure won't get used much. Check out some cute pics of the fun day!
The other day, Shamu thought he would get away from Jaycee by hopping on the couch. Boy was he wrong, she just climbed up on the couch after him. And then poor kitty, she got on top of him and tried to ride him by bouncing up and down on him. Which is something she does to both of us often when we are laying down on the floor or bed. I was able to catch a cute pic with the camera.