Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Sleepy princess

I know...two posts in one day...what can I say. Jaycee is napping really well and I've already gotten things prepared for dinner and the dishes are clean so I'm playing on the computer. Yes, I have laundry I could be doing, but it can wait.

Jaycee still wakes up at least once every night and sometimes it can be really hard to put her back to sleep. But usually Dadda can get her back to sleep no problem, takes him like 10 minutes. I usually end up falling asleep next to her crib and wake up hours later on the floor:-( My aching back. Last night we had success....she slept from 7:30pm til 6am this morning. She did wake up at about 4:50am, but only fussed for about 2 mins and was back asleep. I hope it continues, we could really use a good night sleep. Currently we are testing things out and only dadda is getting up with her at night instead of me. So far so good and momma gets a break :-) Thanks amor, I love you!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

So good to read. I hope she is still sleeping well for you!