Our system of putting Jaycee to sleep has gone wrong. I feel we have done what is easy for us as parents not what is best for Jaycee. We have forgotten to step back and ask ourselves what does Jaycee need to help her sleep well and stay healthy. Now we are finding what we thought was easy for us, is not anymore. Jaycee wakes up so much at night and sometime it takes 45 minutes to put her back to sleep. She has no idea how to soothe herself back to sleep when she does wake up. I’ve always nursed her to sleep before bed then I lay her down in her crib. When she wakes up throughout the night one of us will at least rock her back to sleep. If it’s sometime after 2am I usually will nurse her back to sleep again. If she wakes up again around 5am Daddy usually will get her and bring her into our bed. During the week when she’s home with Daddy, during nap he lets her fall asleep in his arms and then he lays her down in her crib. On the weekends I usually nurse or rock her to sleep. All bad habits I know and it needs to stop or we are never going to get a good night sleep. We give her a baby to sleep with thinking having a cuddly in her crib will help, but she doesn’t even grab for it. It’s time to rethink our bedtime and naptime routine. Both Tavo and I have a lot of talking and thinking of the best plan for Jaycee. The next couple weeks are going to be hard I have a feeling. We both need to be on the same page, for the most part we usually are, but it can be tough to not give in and go into the old habits.
We are also starting to notice our system in getting her to eat is becoming harder and harder. We are not following through with having her sit in her chair at the table during breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner and that is becoming a problem. Anymore when you put her in her chair she doesn’t want to be in it. It’s because we give in and let her run around and eat a lot of the time. Especially when she is having a snack we give in and let her run around while eating. Bad I know, because she has figured out even if she gets down she will still be able to eat.
Not only do we have to work on getting her to sleep through the night we need to work on getting her to sit in her chair for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner :-) I guess every parent screws up their child in some way or another. No one ever said parenting was going to be easy and it’s not. It can be a lot of work, but still the best job I’ve ever had :-)
Oh boo. I'm sorry she is having trouble sleeping. Where did you put that manual that you got when she was born? Ha! It really can be tough sometimes (as we are learning), but you have one adorable, loved little girl. I know y'all will be able to work this out. I hope the sleeping and eating patterns get established soon for your sake! :)
You are not screwing up your child. Jaycee is at that age where she is testing her limits - just correct her. It will only take a couple of times of her not eating to realize that she needs to sit down and that's the rule. Landon did the same - most kids do. You just need to learn to stick to your guns. You will figure out what works for you and your family. She will be fine - Don't worry :)
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