Daddy has returned to work today! I have mixed feelings about this. Even though it was nice to have him home, it's good he is back at work. We have had a lot of quailty time together and I'm going to miss that. For awhile we weren't even sure if he was going to be able to go back to work. He had found out all the guys that he had been working with in Yuma got laid off. He could have been one of those guys. We feel very blessed that he is still working. Today it's just Jaycee and I for the first time since she was born.
Currently Jaycee is chillin in her swing in the bathroom. Having her in the bathroom with the fan running in her swing is the only way we can get her to chill without one of us holding her. I was able to clean the kitchen, do the dishes, clean the liter box and sweep the floors. Now I'm hoping she will let me be on the computer for a few minutes.
The other bummer about Daddy being back at work is it's going to be harder to get Jaycee used to the bottle. I have been pumping breast milk and he has been giving her a bottle in the mornings and then again in the evenings. She took the first bottle he gave her really well and now she doesn't like it much. She fights the whole time he is feeding her. I even leave the room so she doesn't see me. She is being a little turkey, first it was hard getting her to learn to breastfeed and now the bottle. When Tavo gets home from work every evening he will give her a bottle and we will hope she gets used to it soon. Otherwise it's going to be hard for me to go back to work.
6 days ago
1 comment:
My little buttercup is growing. I love it! I told you everything would be a-ok, once Daddo went back to work. Listen to your intuition and you will be fine or call Momma Maria!
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