Friday I spent most of the morning at the doctor's. My appointment was at 8:45am, so I was there a little after 8:30am. Didn't get out of the docs till almost 11am. Wow! The doc was running behind like always. The nurse takes my blood pressure and it's 150 over 90, wow that's high. She continues asking me questions and then takes it again and it's still high. The doc comes in and checks Jaycee's heart beat, all is good. Does some cotton swab check, along with checking to see if he can feel Jaycee's head. He doesn't feel anything and try’s to move her around by moving my belly all around, talk about uncomfortable and still isn't sure that she is head down. He then says he wants me to have an ultrasound just to make sure because she could be breach. During this time the nurse is in the room and she said they found protein in my urine. Oh boy, the doc wants an ultrasound and more blood work. The doc wants to do the blood work because he thinks I could have preeclampsia because of the protein in my urine and the high blood pressure. He also asks me if I could be stressed and if I was still working. I said YES and YES. He thinks I should stop working or at least start working part-time. At this point it's almost 10am and I know Tavo is waiting for my text message to tell him everything went great at the doctors. Well, I can't text him and tell him that, not yet. So I am waiting for the ultrasound and they take my blood pressure again and it's 148 over 98, of course it went up at this point. So I decide to text Tavo and tell him if he has a minute to call so I can explain things to him. He calls and I tell him what's going on, I can hear the worry in his voice. Which I didn't want to do, especially with him 2 1/2 hours away. They call me in for the ultrasound and she is head down and doing well. YEAH! Now off to pee in a cup again and give blood. Never hear from the doc all day, which he said if you don't hear from me, then it's good news. I call today and they tell me all blood work came back normal and no signs of preeclampsia. Great news! Hopefully when I go to the docs this Friday my blood pressure will have gone down and no protein in the urine.
Saturday morning got up and went to baby class. Learned all about the Epidural and planned and unplanned caesarean. I really hope I can have a natural birth. If I have to have an Epidural I won't be totally crushed, but I am going to try my hardest not to have one. After class we had lunch and went home to do laundry and get Tavo's bags ready for the week again. We also cleaned up Jaycee's room and it's looking better everyday. We are almost done, just can't find the right kind of blinds to keep out the sun. That room gets really bright.
Sunday got up and went to Tavo's softball game. It was a really good game; they ended the game with a triple play. Never seen a triple play like that in softball before, it was great. They called the game because of the 10 run rule. We went to lunch with Uncle Kike and Uncle Leo. Then came home to finish packing Tavo's bags and cook a nice dinner. Sat down to a nice dinner and good movie and 6pm.
Today at work I finally decided I would start working part-time till I start my Maternity Leave December 5th. It was a really busy and long day (11 hours), got a lot done. Michelle was wonderful in helping get our 300 company Christmas cards out. We still have to finish on Wednesday but should be able to get them done. Thank you Michelle! I am taking tomorrow off and have a To-Do list a mile long. Not really, but it feels that way. I do plan on getting a pedicure first.
My To Do List:
1 comment:
Wow, busy, busy! Nice to do list -Copy cat....hahhahha!
I realize you have a birth plan, but don't be afraid to get the DRUGS, for pete-sake that's why they are there and YOU don't want to feel the "RING OF FIRE" Not necessary!!!!!! Don't be afraid. Drugs are good in these instances :)
I think every woman should get to work part-time when VERY PREGO. It's just nice to relax and put up your feet and if you want just stay in bed.
I need a pedi too, but since the weather here doesn't warrent flip-flops, I'll wait until we go to SD.
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