Went to the doctor's this morning........found no protein in my urine today. Yeah, good news! But took my blood pressure and it was 160 over 100, wow........that's too high. So the doctor had me give more blood to make sure I still don't have preeclampsia. He talked to me more about possibly being induced, I am keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have to do that. No call from the doctor after my appointment so that's good. Means the blood test came back normal. Drives me crazy that's the way he does things, no call is good news. I would at least like to get a call with the good news.
The doctor made me stop working as of today. He told me light duty from now on. Take it easy, put my feet up and relax. Good thing I was pretty much caught up at the office, so all I had to do was go back and wrap things up. I still didn't leave the office till almost 7pm, but at least I am pretty sure everything is done. I must of sent out over a dozen emails, probably drove everyone crazy with all the emails. Sorry!
I wonder now, what am I going to do with myself. RELAX, how do I do that. Guess I need to learn quickly. I have to for the health of Jaycee and me. Hopefully with all the relaxing I'll be doing my blood pressure will go down. My next doctor's appointment is Monday.
The good thing, no alarm clock tomorrow. I get to sleep in, yeah!
6 days ago
OMG, you are so like my MOTHER! Relaxing is easy, get some movies, make sure there is food and just chill-out. Elevate your legs and just become one with the coach! I demand it. Also lay on your left side and drink OJ. Doctor's orders. The miniscule things will get done and if they don't then I will do them whem I am there! I demand it :) Love ya.
So far so good! I just had to check!
Michelle said to become one with the coach -- that might be WAY to physical (I think she meant 'couch') HAHA.
Really -- enjoy it while you can!!!
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