So, Friday I drove to YUMA to pick up Tavo. Then we drove the rest of the way to PHEONIX. The drive went by fast; we didn't even have the music on. We just talked the whole way catching up from the week. We got there and the kids were so excited to see AUNTIE and UNCLE TAVO. My sister was holding Zerah and I took her right away after giving hugs and kisses to Conor, Aidan and Davis. We had a really nice visit, just wish it didn't have to be so short. Shane was up and feeling okay (as well as you can feel after being pumped with Chemo the week before). Friday night we stayed up talking after putting the kids to bed. Saturday we didn't do much, just hung out around the house. Shane wasn't feeling the greatest, but started to feel a little better by dinner time. Poor guy, I do feel for him. CANCER SUCKS! We stayed up again late talking Saturday night. Sunday it was time to go home :-( I got up and tried to help my sister with some things around the house before leaving, we left by 9am. My sister and Shane both woke up with a fever and not feeling well at all. Fevers are all gone now and they are starting to feel a little better. They already have enough on their plate, getting sick was the last thing they needed. I prayed for the sickness not to stay around the CARR house hold. Maybe my praying worked.
I miss my sister, Shane and the kids already. I wish we lived closer, it's hard being so far away. We miss seeing the kids grow up! Plus during this time it would be nice to be closer so Tavo and I could be there and help out. Even if it's just to go over to cook them dinner and put the kids to bed. My sister is the strongest woman I have ever met and I admire her. No matter what bumps in the road GOD continues to give her and her family she continues to hold her head up high. She is super woman! I LOVE YOU SIS!
Uncle Tavo and Davis having fun!

Davis, he is going to get you!
1 comment:
I'm so glad you had a nice visit with your sister and her family. You're doing pretty good too, keeping your head up!
Love ya,
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