To my handsome husband.............
Octavio, you are my life, my love, and my best friend. Our wedding united two lives in the miracle of love. The true beauty in marriage is reflected in its ceaseless possibilites to bring out the best of what we are and what we can become.
As we have started our life together, wish for us a love that makes both of us better people; the kind of love that will continue to give us a joy and a passion for living, and provide us with the energy and courage to face the responsibility of our life together. May we continue to grow both separately and together and may our love for one another expand and deepen with the passing years.
Since Tavo is working out of town and we are unable to be together today we celebrated our special day over the weekend. We had a great weekend together, but it was short. I picked up our Anniversary cake on Friday and we enjoyed it all weekend long. YUMMY! Friday night and Saturday we just hung out together, not doing much. Sunday we went to dinner at Forever Fondue in La Jolla and had a wonderful time! We had great conversation talking about our future and how much we have grown together and how we are better people because we have each other in our lifes. We both feel very blessed to have met one another and couldn't imagine life without each other. Te Amo mucho amor!

Us at the restaurant!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy One-year anniversary. Wishing you two many more to come (and that you can enjoy together :o)!
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