On Sunday we got to see Jaycee :-) We had a 4D ultrasound done and Tavo's mom came along to join us in the experience. It was really cool! Jaycee didn't really cooperate that well, she was sleeping and we couldn't wake her up. But it was still a really cool experience. We got lots of pictures of her face with her chubby little cheeks and her button nose. Looks like she is going to have her mommy's nose. I am 33 weeks tomorrow and only have 7 more to go. We are so excited to meet Jaycee we can't stand it. She weighs about 4 pounds 3 oz right now. Check out a couple pictures below. She has her hand under her chin most of the time and sometimes her foot.

Those are cute!!
She is very ... Fo!
In our household, that's as cute as you can get!!
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