Wow...another month has past and our little princess is 11 months today! Time is truly flying by. It's the month of planning Jaycee's 1st birthday party and baptism. Jaycee is doing so much these days. She has mastered walking and is all over the place. She knows what a cow and sheep say. It's too cute to hear her "moo" and "baa". Her favorite thing right now is saying "no, no, no". She says this right before she is going to do something she isn't suppose to. She knows where our eyes, nose, elbow and teeth are when you ask her. Everything is in Spanish though, Tavo is teaching her well and of course mommy is learning more too :-)
She has started to try new things with food and is eating a little better. Her new favorite is olives and turkey meat. Still work in progress though, we keep pushing the vegetables! She is still drinking mommy's milk.

A day at the park with mommy and daddy!

Helping mommy with the laundry...drying sheets are so much fun!


Pushing her baby in the stroller.

What a sweet face!

The best toy ever...tupperware!