Thursday, March 04, 2010

The new job

This is going to be a quick post. Today was Tavo's first day at the job site, it was pretty chill. Just had to do some more orientation and take a drug test. Tomorrow the hard labor starts. Jaycee did really well with Tavo's cousin here at the casa. I was really nervous all day and had a hard time focusing at work, but it all turned out really well. I believe Jaycee had a great time and am happy she gets to spend time with family and be in her own home. Monday's, Tuesday's and Friday's she will be with my sister (more family-YEA), Wednesday's she gets to play over at Sani's again like the old days and on Thursday's Tavo's cousin is watching her at our casa. Thanks everyone for helping us out and making it possible for both of us to stay working. We know we could live off of one income, but it's smart for us to both continuing work so we can save money and be ready for the next baby :-)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hahahah - Next baby! You are funny.