Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy 10 Months Baby Girl!

Today our little princess is 10 months! I can't believe in two months she will already be a year old. Crazy to think of it that way. She is growing up way too fast! She has started walking. Not only with her lion friend, but all on her own! It's so cute to see her stand up and take little steps. Today she took as many as 6 steps at a time. She is still wobbly, but in no time she will be walking all over the casa. Good job Jaycee, mommy and daddy are so proud of you and love you mucho! Thanks for being such a good girl!

Yummy sweet potatoes! Look closely, you can see my two bottom teeth.

Walking pushing around the kitty food. Pretty soon she will know how to open the container and we will have to find a different spot for the kitty food. Up high, like a lot things around our casa :-)

Rubber Ducky your the make bath time lots of fun!

Yummy cheerios........

Jaycee playing with her new kitchen. Thanks Daddy for putting it together.

One step...two steps.....three steps........

walking some more.......

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy 2 Years Amor!

Yesterday was our 2 year wedding anniversary. I took the day off work and spent it just hanging out with Tavo and Jaycee. We had a really nice day! In the evening Jaycee went to visit Auntie Shelly and Uncle Shane so we could go and enjoy a nice dinner out. We did just that, thanks Shelly and Shane. We decided to go to the same restaurant as last year and make it a annual thing. So there we were again at Forever Fondue in La Jolla enjoying each others company and great conversation. Happy Anniversary Tavo. I'm blessed to have you as my husband and best friend! I LOVE YOU!

Monday, October 12, 2009


My boss sent me this video and I thought I would share. It's way too cute. It reminds me of our cat Shamu and Jaycee. I feel this is what Shamu deals with daily. Jaycee is always pulling or biting at his tail. She crawls after him all day long. He puts up with a lot from her. It's love!