Thursday, August 26, 2010

The potty....

Today was a BIG day! I just wanted to share that JR went poo poo in the potty today. She hasn't even gone pee in the potty yet. Most kids do that first, but no not JR. It was very exciting and I'm so happy I was home to experience it :-) I know I can't get too excited, it may not happen again for awhile, but I'm hoping it's a start :-) She is always asking to go on the potty, but never does anything. Just love our little girl so much, she is growing way too fast though! Tavo and I are really enjoying every minute with her!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Working the bubbles

JR LOVES bubbles........always wants to be outside making bubbles. We bought her a bubble gun at the fair this year and she knows how to make it go all by herself :-) She is truly growing way too fast! And boy is she Ms. INDEPENDENT. And talking up a storm, in both Spanish and English and one of my new favorite things she is says now is "No Thank You".

I'll post later this week to update everyone on our search for someone to come in and help us watch JR three days a week while I continue to work part-time. We have finally found someone after a long and stressful search. So far we really like Chayo and JR seems to also. Today was Chayo's first full day and it went well :-) More details to come.....