Friday, November 13, 2009

Visiting with Grandpa

Grandpa came out for a short visit this Wednesday and left today. He drove down to help Davis celebrate his 3rd birthday. Davis' birthday is actually this coming Sunday, but we had an early birthday dinner celebration last night. A post with pictures soon to come....

Thanks for coming to visit Grandpa, Jaycee enjoyed her visit with you. We are glad you got to come out and stay a couple days. We love you and will see you next month :-)

Monday, November 09, 2009

A play date....

Sunday afternoon Jaycee had her first offical play date. Don't get me wrong Jaycee has played with her cousins and other kids that are older than her plenty. But we have never offically had a so called "play date" before. Is that sad, her being 10 months almost 11? Nah...I don't think so, like I said she has been around plenty of other children. Zerah and Ariana are really close to Jaycee in age. Jaycee loves her cousins, she is always trying to give them a hug and kiss!

Hunter and Misty came over and we all had a great time! Misty is a mom we know from softball, we have played ball with her for years. She's had to stop playing for now. Her husband is in the military and is out to sea right now :-( It would be hard for her to take care of Hunter and play ball. Something I understand, that's why Jaycee and I sit on the bench and keep score while Daddy plays. Hunter is a totally cutie and a sweet boy! Jaycee and Hunter are only a month and 9 days apart. I think they played well together. Misty and Hunter thanks for coming over and visiting. You're welcome anytime. Can't wait to do it again :-) Check out some picture below....