Thursday, September 01, 2011

Some zoo fun!

This morning we met our friends Tanner and Andrea at the zoo and after our fun at the zoo before it got to hot to walk around we went to the park in Balboa to have lunch and the let the kiddos play. I just love having these types of days with our princess. I'm so blessed my job lets me work part-time :) Thanks for the fun Andrea and Tanner! Our lion friend at the zoo is usually not as close as he was today, check it out!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hot weather

The last week or so, it's been really hot for us. Especially for prego mommy here. Saturday was miserable, sure wish we had AC for those really hot days! It's been rough on JR also, she has a really hard time sleeping, it's way too hot upstairs in her room to sleep :( Her naps have been super short :( Gonna be another hot and humid one this weekend, guess we will be spending more time at the pool like some of the pictures below :) Enjoy
JR, me, Victoria, Estella & Isabella

JR, me, Victoria, Estella & Isabella

Daddy and his princess

Lunch time at the pool.

Aidan, Conor and JR

Sweet Davis!

Zerah chillin in the floaty.

JR and Zerah.....Auntie Shelly was being silly :)

Conor being a fish! Loving the water :)