Sunday, March 07, 2010

Casa de Reifer

Yesterday we went to visit Maria, Jake, Estella, Victoria and Wally. We had a great time catching up, it's been awhile since we have been able to get together. Estella is growing like a weed and beautiful as ever and the newest member to the Reifer home is just as beautiful as her sister. Victoria is so beautiful I cried when I first held her, she smiled at me and tears of joy just came down my face. I stopped by their home again today to drop something off, thinking I would get a peak at the little angel again today, but she was sound a sleep :-( We will get together soon! Thanks Maria for the lovely dinner!
Sweet baby Victoria!

Jaycee and Estella playing her Estellas' play kitchen. Estella just loves Jaycee :-)

The beautiful princess!

Happy mommy with her two babies :-)

Sweet Victoria!


Maria said...

It was so nice to see your clan! Lets not let it go this long again ;) Love ya!

Meems said...

Pretty babies everywhere!

And the little kitchen -- I had one when I was a girl. Brings back memories...


Michelle said...

Adorable! Victoria is getting so big.